Safety Resources

Explore videos, brochures, web links, and more to learn about natural gas safety. 
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Your safety is our top priority

From recognizing and responding to a natural gas leak, to calling before you dig, to snow safety tips, find all the info you need right here.

Customer Safety

At Southwest Gas, your safety is our priority. Working together, you can help us provide safe and reliable natural gas service 24/7. Review these simple tips, and familiarize yourself with some basic natural gas safety rules.

Natural Gas Booklet

Knowledge is power! Explore the most common questions about natural gas, excavating, and when to contact Southwest Gas. Additionally, do your part and learn how to recognize, react to, and prevent natural gas leaks.

Natural Gas Safety Reminders

This handy brochure will remind you how to recognize and respond to a natural gas leak, and how to keep safe when planning a digging project.

Kids and Natural Gas Safety

Learn about natural gas and how to be safe around it with fun videos, interactive poster, video game and more. Energy Safe Kids .

Safe Digging Activity Sheet

Check your knowledge and learn more about safe digging with our fun activity sheet.

Safety for People Living Along a Pipeline

Underground pipelines can be located anywhere. Take a look at some valuable reminders about safety along natural gas pipelines.  

Sewer Work Safeguards

Because natural gas pipelines could have been installed through sewer lines, special precautions may be necessary when using equipment to unclog sewer pipes. 

Customer Buried Piping

Find out if you own the natural gas lines in your yard and how to keep them safe if you do.

Excess Flow Valves

Excess Flow Valves, or EFVs, are designed to automatically reduce the flow of natural gas if an underground pipe is damaged.

Pipeline Safety for Public Officials

Decisions that public officials with land use, street, or road jurisdiction make, can impact the safety of the community surrounding the pipeline.

Commercial Kitchen Safety

If you work in a commercial kitchen, it's important to know how to be safe around natural gas appliances. Share this poster with important safety tips with your co-workers.

Snow Safety

If you live in an area that receives heavy snowfall, extra precautions are needed to ensure that gas piping, meters, and outdoor appliances remain safe.

For customers who live in areas that receive heavy snowfall, learn the precautions to take to ensure natural gas piping, meters and outdoor appliances remain safe.

Protecting Natural Gas Meters

Meter Shelter Plans

Install a shelter for your natural gas meter to protect it from snow and ice accumulation. See plans below for your area.  
For a contractor referral, call 800-654-2765 or click here:

Excavator Safety Poster

A quick reference guide for detecting and reporting a suspected natural gas leak.

Excavator Safety Booklet

Detailed information on natural gas safety for excavators and others who work around natural gas pipelines.


Working Around Pipelines Flyer

Reminders about the Do's and Don'ts of working around natural gas. 

Sewer Work Safety Brochure

Because natural gas pipelines may have been installed through sewer lines, plumbers and contractors should take special precautions when called to an address to unblock a sewer line. 

Pipe Identification Brochure

A great visual reference to assist excavators in identifying natural gas pipes used in our service areas. 


Service Territory Map (Southwest Gas Transmission Pipeline).


Learn more about what we do to keep our pipelines safe.


Learn how to safely handle and recognize hazards associated with natural gas. This document includes important tips such as first aid care, storage of natural gas, purging gas pipes, and more. 


Megaphone Man – Call 811
Barkley – Smell Gas? Leave Fast!
Home Makeover - Call 811
Out for a Walk - Signs of a Leak
Dude - Call 811 Before Digging
But I Don't Have Natural Gas
Dude - Call 811 Before Digging
Dude - It Smells Like Rotten Eggs
We Don't Use Natural Gas
Build a Meter Shelter – Snow Safety
Keep Meters Clear – Snow Safety


Learn how to recognize and respond to a natural gas leak.

Homeowners - Call 811

Remember to call 811 before starting digging projects in your yard.

Professional Excavators - Call 811

All digging jobs require a call to 811.

Landscapers – Call 811

Doing work for a client? Remember to call 811 before any yard digging Project.

Safe Digging Guidelines

Tips to help prevent damage to underground utility lines when digging.


Even if you don’t have natural gas appliances, there could be gas pipelines in your neighborhood. Learn the signs of a leak.


Building a snow shelter is the best way to protect natural gas meters.


Snow and ice can damage gas meters and potentially cause a natural gas leak…learn what you can do to prevent it.

Recognizing a Natural Gas Leak

Learn the signs of a natural gas leak and what to do if you suspect one.

Call Before You Dig

Calling 811 before digging isn't just for "excavator dudes." It's for homeowners too. [33]

Kids and natural gas

This video explains which appliances use natural gas, how to identify a natural gas leak, and what to do if a leak occurs. 


Check out our informative video to learn the basics of natural gas safety.

What does natural gas smell like?

It’s never too early to learn about natural gas safety. Here are a couple of important reminders from our junior safety crew.


Plumbers... be on the lookout! Before doing any work on sewer pipes outside of a house, make sure the clog isn't a gas line.


A clogged sewer outside your home could mean there's a gas line intersecting the sewer pipe. Watch this video to learn what to do before clearing a sewer clog.


This video reminds field workers to practice safe excavation practices to prevent sewer pipe cross bores.
National Pipeline Mapping System
Locate natural gas transmission lines operated by Southwest Gas and other companies by visiting the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration National Pipeline Mapping System (NPMS) website.
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
The federal agency established to protect people and the environment from the risks of hazardous materials' transportation.
Call 811 Before You Dig
Learn about the national 811 Call Before You Dig service that helps protect you from hitting underground utility lines while working on digging projects. 
Common Ground Alliance 
The leading association created specifically to work with all industry stakeholders to prevent damage to underground utility infrastructure and ensure public safety and environmental protection
American Gas Association
Safety is the core value of the natural gas industry and the American Gas Association promotes positive safety cultures among natural gas companies.